Me & You . . . Sister edition

Some people have asked me how I photography my own girls. How do I get them to be still and actually look at the camera without that “fake” smile.  Truth is – they do have that “fake” smile.  Forcing them to stand there and look at the camera has never worked that well for me.  That is why we don’t have many “official” photo shoots.  For the most part I just let them play and walk and talk while I follow behind.  I’m usually in charge of the location and sometimes the outfits.  We usually shoot 2 “official” sessions each year – one in the fall and one in the early spring.   My girls’ birthdays are in August and February, so these are birthday sessions too.  It’s a win-win!  They love feeling special as they add another number to their age and I get to capture them in that particular season of their lives.  It’s a time for them to be silly and join together to “crack” mom.  They know my main goal and, yes, I’ve had to use the “stern” voice a time or two to settle them down.  But, my ultimate goal is to document the unique personality of each of my girls in each season of life.

And this go round, they even let me in on their secret handshake!handshakegirlcollage

Me & You . . . a new personal project

I’ve been challenged and inspired by fellow mommy photographers to capture more memories of me with my family.  I’m always there behind the scenes, but seldom seem to get in the frame with them.  I love capturing the special, fun loving, and simple moments they have in this life.  But, I want them to look back and remember me in those moments as well.  So, at least once a month, I’m setting my camera off to the side and letting my lens capture what it will.  They won’t be perfect images by any means, but that’s not the point. . .

Here is a glimpse of our March “Me & You” . . .





Forth Worth Stockyards | Child and Family Photography

August in Texas can be brutal!  However, these kiddos and families were troopers through the triple digit heat.  The Fort Worth Stockyards is one of my favorite places for photo sessions.  There are so many places to snap posed and candid photographs and children can be entertained for a quite a while.  I was dripping with sweat after these sessions, but I loved every minute of it!  And my night ended with a good ‘ole BBQ dinner with friends at Riscky’s.

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FW Stockyards Photographer